2nd Annual Brand Matters Session Upcoming

Brand Matters 2019

The second annual Brand Matters session will take place on 4 April 2019. This year’s session is in partnership with TBWA Zimbabwe, HDI Youth Marketeers and Business Times. The discussion will examine the critical issue of “The Female Equation”. Are women better for business? It\’s projected that women will control 75% of the global discretionary spend by 2028, but are Zimbabwean businesses catering to this significant demographic?

We will examine various critical as we unpack this theme. One such area is the relationship to stakeholder mapping and truly understanding the needs and desires of customers. A business’ stakeholders can be segmented according to various demographics including gender. When last did your business examine the needs of your female stakeholders?

Important Factors

Stakeholder needs are unique, and must be revisited regularly. It’s important for businesses to think of women as a distinct group. From there, do not speak to them as one group. Instead, segment the market according to demographic factors such as age, geographic location, education and socioeconomic status. These factors all throw different needs and expectations into the mix. Does your brand understand who your women customers are at these various intersections?

What market factors are impacting women the most at the moment? What do they need from your brand? How best can you address those needs? It is also critical to remember that a company’s employees are internal stakeholders. Their needs must also be addressed in order for a brand’s reputation to be managed. Companies therefore need to address the needs of the women employees. It is important to improve the resources and support that women access to address their unique needs and challenges.

Business norms and expectations are not stagnant; they shift with time in tandem with changes to consumer expectations and needs. What women have needed as consumers historically is not identical with what a woman in 2019 needs as a consumer. As part of the session, attendees will begin to unpack changes to businesses and industries, which you may or may not have adapted to. Ultimately, a failure to adapt to changing norms and expectations increases your brand\’s reputational risk.


Reserve Your Seat Today

For more information and to RSVP to attend Brand Matters 2019, contact:

Nicolle Mhondiwa- Email: nicolle@tbwazim.co.zw Tel: (0242) 304 052/ 304 260 or

Stephanie Taderera- Email: stephanie@magnacarta.co.zw, Tel: (0242) 790 381.

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